Legal & Terms Of Use

Site Usage Agreement

As a user of this web this site including the browsing, purchasing and downloading of media, you are agreeing to be bound by this agreement forthwith. This agreement is applicable to yourself on behalf of yourself and your customers and clients. 

Raportix Ltd., the owning company of Spectrum Stock Photo, reserve the right to amend this agreement at any time. Amendments and updates can include and are not limited to, images, video and narrative. The web site will contain (unless you have cached data), the latest version uploaded by us. 

Any uploads to this site are subject to this agreement. If you disagree with this agreement, you can cease to use this web site and are free to removed any downloaded images or data from it.

Use Of This Site

This web site is owned and operated by Raportix Ltd. All digital content including images, video, narrative, text, information is owned by us or the contributors accordingly. Images that include a visible watermark allows you to view a version of the purchasable downloadable image or media. Once registered and/or purchased, you will be able to access non-watermarked media. Spectrum Stock Photo reserves the right to suspend or cancel your registration if you are seen not to adhere to proper usage of watermark and purchased images. We do not allow web crawling mechanisms or scripted procedures running against our web site. 

We endeavour to provide the web site free of typographical errors, missing images and technical issues. In the event of an image being unavailable for download at purchase, you can contact us to advise and may be eligible to a refund accordingly. Images published are deemed to appropriate and inoffensive. In the unlikely event, you find an image that causes potential offence, contact us in the instance. If you find a contributors image that could infringe a copyright, contact us in the first instance so that we can confirm and investigate.


Spectrum Stock Photo supplies the web site and media content on an as is basis. We offer no warranty, guarantee, implied or explicit, the accuracy of the web site’s information and content. The web site availability is aimed at 100% but we are at the mercy of our hosting provider. We are not liable for any claims brought by third-party use of the purchased images that their use include failure of purpose or consequential damages occur arising from using the images or relating to the use of the images. 


Spectrum Stock Photo respects third party copyright or potential copyright and therefore prohibits any contributed media that infringes any copyright, patent or trademark held by another person or entity. Contributors uploading media are declaring that they own all rights to the media. We reserve the right to verify the rights of the contributed media and remove media that infringes copyright. Uploaded media will be subject to a non exclusive licence allowing the supply of the media to visiting parties to the web site and subsequent purchase. Contributors acknowledge that no financial or monetary compensation is due unless an agreement is in place between the contributor and Spectrum Stock Photo. In this case, monies due to the contributor will be subject to the contractual agreement between the contributor and Spectrum Stock Photo.


Logos, taglines used by Spectrum Stock Photo, both registered and unregistered are trademarks of Spectrum Stock Photo. Third party use or reproduction of these are prohibited and may only be used by a third party or publicly with the express permission of Spectrum Stock Photo

Refund Policy

You the customer may be entitled to a refund of the purchase of media if its narrative does not comply with a true representation of the media file advertised. A downloaded media file subject to technical flaws will be in the first instance replaced or in the case Spectrum Stock Photo cannot supply an accurate representation of the media advertised, a customer refund may be appropriate for the purchased media.  In the event that the download is not complete or successful, a subsequent download will be permitted. If a subsequent download fails due to a problem with the web site, you the customer may be eligible for a refund.

Model & Property Releases

Purchasing of media does not include rights or a licence to any location, person, property or subject matter depicted in the media file. The location, person, property or subject matter may be subject to its own copyright or trademark. Contributors are responsible for determining whether media uploaded requires the consent of a third party depicted in the media. Contributed media containing recognisable individuals, must include a submission of a model release document that contains a signed release accordingly. The signed release permits reproduction of the media subject to any terms in the agreement.  Any information submitted and held by Spectrum Stock Photo will be subject to accordance with the privacy policy


Various licence options exist for purchased images. View the licences section for details.

Account Registration

Registration on the web site is optional when purchasing media. By registering an account, users agree to supplying accurate information where required.  Spectrum Stock Photo reserve the right to refuse or delete an account that does not adhere to the terms and conditions set out on this web site. By creating an account, the user is agreeing to the terms and conditions on this web site and conditions set out in the privacy policy. The registered user is responsible for the maintaining the username and password access where applicable. The user shall be liable for payment to Spectrum Stock Photo for relevant purchased media.  

Cyber Security

Spectrum Stock Photo will take every effort possible to ensure that the web site is protected from cyber attack in as much use of the latest regularly patched software products, secure hosting and best practices access policy.  We will endeavour to protect all personal data held. In the event of a data breach, registered customers will be informed accordingly. The owning company of Spectrum Stock Photo, Raportix Ltd. is registered with the Information Commissioner (Data Protection).